Vaccination for COVID-19


ページ番号1002018  更新日 令和5年9月8日


Vaccination targets

Vaccination is available to those who have a residence certificate in Moriyama City.

Those who have moved to Moriyama City from other cities, towns, or villages are also eligible.

If you have moved to Moriyama City, please go through the procedure for issuing a vaccination ticket. For more details, please see this page.

At this time, Pfizer's vaccines are only available for people aged 12 and older.

Vaccination fee

There is no charge for vaccination.

Number of Vaccinations and Interval between Vaccinations

Two doses of the same type of vaccine are required.

With Pfizer's vaccine, the second dose is usually given three weeks after the first dose.

With Moderna's vaccine, the second dose is usually given four weeks after the first dose.

How to Get Vaccinated


Moriyama Municipal Gymnasium(Moriyama Taiiku-kan):until July 15

Moriyama City Community Disaster Prevention Center(Moriyama-shi Community Bousai Center)(North Fire Station(Kita Shoubou-sho):from July 16

Moriyama Municipal Moriyama Junior High School:July 17 to 30, August 14 to 27

To get to the venue, please walk, bike, drive, take public transportation (bus, motorcar, etc.) or use the Corona Vaccine mass vaccination shuttle bus.

How to make a reservation

Make a reservation for two doses through the vaccination reservation website or call center (0570-051-750)

To access the vaccine reservation site, please click on the link below.

Moriyama City COVID-19 Vaccination Site

Please check the vaccination coupon sent by the city for the login ID and password required for reservation.

What to do before vaccination

In order to receive the mass vaccination of the new coronary vaccine, an appointment is required.

Please note that you cannot make an appointment until you receive a vaccination ticket.

If you are receiving medical treatment or medication, or if you are a regular patient, please consult your doctor beforehand.

If you do not have confirmation from your doctor, there is a possibility that you will not be able to receive the vaccination on the day of the event.

  1. You will receive a vaccination ticket, a preliminary checkup sheet, and a notice from the city.
  2. Make an appointment at the city's call center by phone or on the Internet.Fill out the preliminary examination form.
  3. Fill out the preliminary checkup sheet.
  4. Go to the vaccination site on the appointed date and time.

For details, please refer to the information leaflet enclosed with the vaccination ticket.

The following are the translations of the official form in Japanese.
Please fill in the Japanese form by referring to the following translations.

What to do on the day of vaccination

Things to bring: Vaccination ticket, completed preliminary medical checkup sheet (1 sheet), something to identify yourself (residence card, health insurance card, driver's license, etc.)

Attire, etc.: Since the vaccination is administered to the upper arm (shoulder area), please wear clothes that expose your shoulders. Also, please wear a mask.

Vaccination procedure: (1) Temperature check → (2) Reception → (3) Confirmation of preliminary examination form → (4) Preliminary examination → (5) Vaccination → (6) Follow-up observation (waiting time: 15-30 minutes)

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〒524-8585 滋賀県守山市吉身二丁目5番22号
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