To prevent the expansion of COVID-19(January 7)


ページ番号1004906  更新日 令和5年7月26日


Status of COVID-19 in Shiga Prefecture(January 7,Updated)

The number of people infected with COVID-19 is increasing in Shiga Prefecture.

For more information on the status of COVID-19 in Shiga Prefecture, please see the following website.

Please see below for a request from Shiga Prefecture to everyone in order to prevent the spread of infection.

To prevent the expansion of COVID-19(January 6,Updated)

  • Avoid the "Three Cs".
  • Avoid the "5 situations" that increase the risk of infection.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Wear a mask when there are people around you.
  • Clean things with disinfectant wipes which lots of people use.
  • Keep the rules about garbage disposal.

If any garbage staff get COVID-19, all citizens might not take out any garbages.

  1. Please put used masks and tissues in "burnable" bags.
  2. Be sure to tie the bags.
  3. Please wash and clean plastic trays.
  4. Please wash and clean the tap of cans, bottles, and plastic bottles.

How to prevent infection at parties(December 28,Updated)

Infection is more likely to spread when people gather for meals, such as at a party.

A video is available on how to prevent infection at a party.

Please make sure that all participants implement infection prevention measures before the party.

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守山市 環境生活部 市民協働課 協働推進係
〒524-8585 滋賀県守山市吉身二丁目5番22号
電話番号:077-582-1149 ファクス番号:077-583-4654